'Village' by Ipad Pro with Adobe Fresco - official promote illustration
'Village' by Ipad Pro with Adobe Fresco - official promote illustration
'Village' by Ipad Pro with Adobe Fresco - official promote illustration
Message from SYD MEAD
Actually SYD MEAD and his wife who also business partner Roger Servick sent to me some congratulatory message card with SYD's painting every end of year thankfully. since 2015, when we connected each other with some great message ,it is obviously honor to be in my whole entire life and career, I miss you , always.
" J.C. Your electronic brush technique is flawless...it has the freshness and control of color, picture composition and ambience that is amazing. I enjoyed looking at your many examples on your website. You are up with the best i've ever seen. Because of my illustrative career, I especially enjoy your scenic creations. The mood, the ambience and the sense of 'being there' is visceral and completely convincing. " - from SYD MEAD

Christmas message card 12.17.2015

Christmas message card 12.23.2016

Christmas message card 12.22.2017